How Character Affects A Story

There are different kinds of characters, and each has a different effect on a story. There are a few main kinds of characters we see in stories.

Protagonists: main "Good guy," the character whose perspective we follow the most
Antagonists: main "Bad guy," the character whose goals conflict with those of the protagonist
Sidekicks: supporting characters for the protagonist or antagonist, motivated to help them reach their goal

Characters affect the dynamic of a story. They also determine which perspective we choose to tell it from.

Without different kinds of characters, the story wouldn't progress. 

The more the protagonist and antagonist work against each other, the more the conflict drives forward and approaches the climax.

Example: Beauty and the Beast
Protagonist: Belle (and Beast)
Image result for images belle beauty and the beast
Antagonist: Gaston
Image result for images gaston
Sidekicks: Lefou, Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts
Image result for images lefou        Image result for images lumiere,cogsworth, potts

Example: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Protagonist: Madoka (and Homura)
Related image   Image result for images homura
Antagonist: Kyubey
Image result for images kyubey
Sidekicks: Sayaka, Mami, Kyoko
Image result for images sayaka mikiImage result for images mami tomoeImage result for images kyoko sakura

A character's role can also change throughout a story. A sidekick can become a antagonist, and antagonist can become a sidekick, etc. Kyubey starts off as a sidekick/mentor character, but becomes the antagonist. The Beast starts off like an antagonist, but becomes and important protagonist.

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